Friday, June 18, 2010

Giveaway time!

A great giveaway at "Full Price Never" blog. Enter here and check out her blog. She's been an inspiration to me. Now when I pay for stuff I feel guilty. I'm going to have to learn how to work the system with the coupons and store deals.

A bold skirt on a beautiful Sunday.

This was taken at the playground at our church this past Sunday.
I finally wore my Impressionist pencil skirt that I got on sale. I love the print (chartreuse, corals, dark pinks), but it's quite bold so I toned it down a bit with my navy Jackie cardigan. I don't have great legs, but I'm always drawn to J.Crew pencil skirts. However, between all the mini skirts that I can't and refuse to wear and the pencil skirts I'm hoping they can bring out more a-line and skirts with decent lengths.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

CSN stores Giveaway!

Over here at "She Hath Done What She Could" blog, CSN store is offering $40 GC to a lucky reader. Check out Peggy and her awesome blog!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Fun day at Disneyland!

Today I ventured out to Disneyland with my two little girls. Usually we try to go late in the afternoon on days my DH works from home but since our passes are soon going to be blocked out for the summer I "had" to take my girls today.
It was a beautiful day with a slight over cast and my little girls were excited to see so many things in broad day light!
My girls love watching Toy Story and recently with our iPad we've been "reading" ebooks from Disney and Toy Story has become one of their favorites. I say "reading" since there's an option to have a lovely voice read it for you (my hubby's favorite part...haha!) However, my youngest H was so terrified to see Woody and Jessie up close she clung to me like a scared cat. Poor thing... but it was so cute!
Waiting at "Small World" ride. They loved all the cute little dancing, singing dolls. ;-)

Whew, pushing the stroller (back and forth from entrance to the parking lot) with two kids in tow and walking around the park almost half day has been exhausting... I realize I'm getting old and need to exercise more to gain some energy.
I need to do this more often for them than taking them shopping... LOL!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Great Giveaway at anthrosdottir!

Cat @ anthrosdottir is hosting a giveaway here! She has fabulous style so check out her blog!